In recent years, Politools has launched a new project “smartvote international”. It includes several project abroad. Together with local partners, Politools collaborates in the conception, development and implementation of a version of smartvote adapted to the local election system and political culture.
Previous projects abroad:
- Australia – Federal election in 2019 and the regional election in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) in 2020 : smartvote International was implemented in collaboration with the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra (
- Luxemburg – General election 2009, 2013 and 2018 and the EU elections in 2019: smartvote International was implemented in collaboration with the University of Luxembourg and the Zentrum for politesch Bildung (
- Central Tibetan Administration – General election in 2020/2021: smartvote International was implemented in collaboration with the Swiss association Project Democracy (
- Austria – National legislative election 2008 and 2013: was developed and implemented in collaboration with the Donau University Krems and other partners.
- EU – European Parliament election 2009: Politools worked in collaboration with the consortium that developed a VAA (EU Profiler) for the 2009 EU elections. Politools war Teil eines Konsortiums, das für die EU-Wahlen 2009 eine Online-Wahlhilfe (EU Profiler) entwickelt hat. Other members of the consortium were the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Kieskompas in Amsterdam and NCCR Democracy based at the University of Zurich.
- Scotland – General election 2007: On behalf of the University of Edinburgh, an online voting aid “Holyrood2007” was developed and programmed for the 2007 Scottish general election.
Contact: Robin Bartlett Rissi (Project manager)